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IT solutions
for your production

Type  production

There are three types of engineering production:

  • mass;

  • serial;

  • singular.

Peculiarities  programming  CNC

A distinctive feature of the CNC machine is the use of computer programming. A clear sequence of actions of a working tool   creates with high precision a product identical to the digital model. No matter how many instances we set in the program, they will all be the same. This manufacturing method allows serial production of parts of any complexity without spending time on setting up a production line.

Production preparation

After receiving the order, the manager specifies the details of the drawing, the brand of material, the number of products, and the production time. If necessary, the drawing is developed in the design department. Then it is transferred to the chief technologist, who selects: the necessary tool, the procedure for the machine, the work schedule of the CNC station and performers to work on this order. He also sends a request to the supply department for the supply of blanks and consumables. In case of additional clarifications and questions, the technologist discusses them through the manager with the client.


Technology  and programming

After that, the drawing is transferred to programmers, who set the digital model and the procedure for mass production of parts on a CNC machine. The data and workpiece are loaded onto the machine and the first run of the product is run. It is checked for dimensional conformity and level of processing. If necessary, adjustments are made in the program to increase the speed and quality of the manufacturing process. After that, serial production on the CNC machine begins.

Setting up the CNC machine

Upon receipt of the setup card, the adjuster prepares the cutting tool, installs it in accordance with the setup, enters corrections into the tool table in the CNC, makes a trial part, and takes measurements.

Форма Запроса на Постпроцессор

Информация о станке и контроллере

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