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Development of post processors

Postprocessor  serves to translate the internal representation of the tool path from the CAM system to the control program. In turn, the quality of control programs (NC) directly affects the efficiency of technological preparation of production on CNC machines.

Taking into account the features of the kinematics of the machine (the number of axes and movement along them, the geometric arrangement and dimensions of the working area), the postprocessor is developed for a specific CNC system (Fanuc, Sinumerik, Heidenhain, Okuma, Fagor, etc.), being a unique software product for each machine tool and CAM- systems.


For processing complex parts, especially aviation ones, multi-axis milling, multi-channel turning and milling machines are often used, as well as machines using complex equipment and control programs for them are characterized by the use of a large number of CNC rack functions. In addition, the cost of blanks for such parts is very high. In this regard, high requirements are placed on the quality of the UE and the qualifications of the technologist-programmer.

Thus, the technological preparation of machining needs means for verifying control programs for CNC machines in order to eliminate defects, verify the correctness of the tool trajectory, and control collisions of machine components with each other and with the workpiece.

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